In accordance with the Waste Management Act, hazardous waste must be separated from other types of waste, stored in such a way that it does not threaten the environment, life and health of people, and must be delivered to specially equipped hazardous waste collection sites or transferred to enterprises who collect and process hazardous waste and have permission to manage it.
Our company specializes in this area and has received the appropriate permits
We offer legal entities to enter into an agreement for free disposal or transfer of electrical and electronic equipment to us for a fee. You can find prices in our price list.
We offer:
The recycling act serves as confirmation to the governing bodies that the environment has not been contaminated and the electrical equipment has been handed over to a licensed company to facilitate the recycling process.
The company accepts electrical and electronic equipment.
Our company specializes in the field of action and has received the appropriate permits.
We offer:
Documents and licenses: